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An image of Beecroft House with its beautiful garden in the sunshine
Northern Beaches Women's Shelter Logo
Northern Beaches Women's Shelter Logo

Mosman House is an innovative project that will provide safe and secure transitional housing to women over 55, with support to identify permanent housing solutions.

This project is a unique collaboration between Women’s Community Shelters (WCS), Link Housing, AW Edwards, Temple and Webster and Northern Beaches Women’s Shelter, made possible with support from Twilight Aged Care, the property owners.

“We are absolutely thrilled to be partnering again with Twilight Aged Care and Link Housing on our second transitional housing development project and also thank our new partners who will join us on Mosman House.

“Older women are often the hidden victims of homelessness and it is precisely why projects like this, that make use of empty properties, are so important in order to provide additional safe and secure accommodation for vulnerable women in need.

“We hope that additional housing developers and property owners will see the benefits of such developments and donate the use of under-utilised residential properties to the Pathways Home project.”

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Annabelle Daniel

CEO, Women's Community Shelters

This an image of a beautiful Magnolia flower in bloom

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Women's Community Shelters