About Pathways Home
Pathways Home is a ‘meanwhile use’ housing program established by WCS that forms part of a broader strategy to increase available housing stock for women and children leaving WCS Shelters. This model involves partnering with developers and other landholders to identify under-utilised or vacant property for use primarily as transitional housing, on an interim basis.
Typically, the project accesses residential properties ear-marked for development and uses them up until the time the property owner plans on developing the site.
The minimum time-frame is 18 months.
The project also seeks to leverage the large number of secondary dwellings that aren’t currently made available on the private market.
Properties and LGA’s
We currently work with 19 properties across Geater Sydney and are looking for more partnerships with developers and property owner, no matter where the property was located.
Where do we need assistance
Everywhere our shelters operate – Sydney and mid north coast.
WCS is committed to breaking cycles of homelessness and domestic and family violence, however, this is only possible with access to secure and affordable housing. While critical shortages of affordable housing options exist in NSW, ‘Meanwhile Use’ projects offer an immediate alternative to meet the growing need.

Our Partners
Community Housing providers – Bridge Housing, Link Housing, Evolve Housing
Developers – PAYCE Foundation and LendLease
Other property owners and accommodation providers – Uniting Church, Sydney Harbor Federation Trust, Frasers Hospitality, private property owners.
Further Information
Register your interest in the program. Download the Fact Sheet
Take the Pathways Pledge
By taking the Pathways Home Pledge, your organisation will join a community of property owners, not-for-profit organisations and philanthropic partners committed to delivering housing solutions for women and families escaping domestic and family violence and homelessness.
In order to assist more women and families to rebuild their lives in the wake of profound trauma, Pathways Home is seeking a commitment from organisations to:
- Identify and contribute vacant and underutilised property
- Provide financial support
- Provide in kind support
- Identify opportunities for staff education and engagement
- Collaborate to drive system change for women and families impacted by domestic violence and homelessness