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Congratulations Great Lake Women’s Shelter!

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Congratulations Great Lakes Women’s Shelter on your first Board Meeting and your incredible new facility!

This afternoon, we shared a milestone in the Shelter’s development. Great Lakes Mayor, Jan McWilliams, has had a dream of seeing a local shelter for 20 years. Trish Wallace from Forster Neighbourhood Centre Inc took up the campaign over 8 years ago.

This year, a committee of passionate local people joined forces with WCS, and in 8 months, we’ve gone from a standing start to a Shelter almost ready to open. I could not be prouder of WCS’ first regional initiative and the people I am working with here.

It’s also wonderful to acknowledge Mayor McWilliams and Stephen Bromhead MP as GLWS’ patrons.

We know women are waiting for Great Lakes Women’s Shelter to open and we are redoubling our efforts to make it happen before the end of 2015. Thank you, Great Lakes, for your incredible commitment towards supporting women experiencing homelessness and domestic violence.

Women's Community Shelters